
Friday, November 20, 2015

Social Media in Times of Tragedy

Red, white, and blue profile pictures are flooding Facebook, along with #prayforparis hashtags and heartfelt comments. You literally can't scroll for more than 5 seconds without seeing something related to the terrible tragedies. The whole thing really is heartbreaking. But be that as it may, you will not see me sporting the now famous red, white, and blue profile picture. And you won't see me posting an Instagram photo of the Eiffel Tower. And you most certainly won't see me typing #prayforparis into a Tweet. Why? Because...what's the point? 
Right now as you're reading this, you probably think I'm evil, insensitive, or just plain stupid. With certainty, I can tell you I'm none of those. I'm just realistic. 
I get that all of these things are nice gestures, and I really don't have a problem with any of the pictures or posts themselves. What I do have a problem with is when people slap a post up on social media and then go on with their day, pretending like they did some sort of good deed. Pretending like they made a difference in the world. In reality, what did you do? 
Yes, the hashtags and red, white, and blue pictures are great gestures, but what good is a gesture? I appreciate the sentiment, but instead of these trendy social media fads, we should be doing something. We should be donating money or putting together care packages for the loved ones of victims. 
The problem with this whole social media thing is that people think it's enough. People think, Oh, I posted a photo of the Eiffel Tower. I'm good. But no! That's not DOING anything. I mean, the truth of the matter is that most people used this opportunity as an excuse to post their very best pictures of the famous monument. People took the time to edit these pictures, and select the prettiest filters, and make sure it fit with their Instagram theme perfectly...while people were dying. I don't know. It just seems so dumb to me. Not one photo of the Eiffel Tower did I like, nor did I favorite any #prayforparis tweets. Because what's the point? There just isn't one to me.    
Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 11.01.21 AM
I know you could argue with me and tell me that I'm dumb and insensitive and evil, but don't waste your breath. This isn't so much an opinion as it is a feeling. I can't help how I feel when I see all of this social media craze. And I do understand on some level that it's not all bad. A world coming together in a time of tragedy. That's great, but my point is that it's not enough. My point is that sadly, people think it is. And that's the problem right there. When Facebook puts up a huge DONATE TO PARIS page, and really does something that could make an impact, then come and talk to me. I'll listen. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Consumptions #10

Avocado toast - The Coffee Shop (NYC)
Spicy chicken sandwich - Bluestone Cafe (NYC)

Criminal Minds

WEBSITE - Essena O'Neill

Escape - Enrique Iglesias
Heart Attack - Enrique Iglesias
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez

Friday, November 13, 2015


There is just something so magical about being awake before 7AM. I don't know where I got that time from (why not 6 or 8?), but regardless, I just love being awake before everyone else; before the sun. We get so caught up in day-to-day activities that we forget how wonderful each and every day truly is. On Monday I'm already planning for Friday, and somehow I seem to forget about all of the days in between. 
When you're given so much of something, it's easy to take it for granted. Food, health, and even each and every day of your life. We don't enjoy Tuesday simply because we know we're getting a Wednesday. And why make Wednesday count when I know there will be a Thursday? With calendars, alarms, and planners we are designed to always be looking forward. We are never in the now; never appreciating what is in front of us. We fly through life, not taking advantage of all these moments, if only because we know there will be more. 
Today could be your last day for all you know. Yeah, yeah. I've heard that one before. You could get hit by a bus or abducted by aliens or eaten by a giraffe that escaped from the zoo. But more likely than not, that won't happen. More likely than not, you will wake up tomorrow morning. And more likely than not, you will take it all for granted. 
So yes, I think mornings are entirely underrated in our culture. People jump at the chance to sleep in, relax, and not do much. But why? Why be asleep when you can live
The crazy thing is that I don't know if there is a solution. I don't know how to take advantage of every moment and I don't know if that is even possible. There's no getting around the need to schedule and plan out your days, weeks, and months. You can't just throw out your agendas and iPhones (God forbid...) and calendars. But what you can do is look up. Be aware of this. Realize how you're choosing to spend your time. You can't make every single minute of your day productive, but if there's one thing  you should've realized by now, it's that every. single. minute. counts. So even if not every minute can be life-changing for you, 5 meaningful minutes a day beats 0. 
Go make your 5 minutes count. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly Consumptions #9

BBQ chicken salad - Panera
Wheetabix & soy milk


Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield
Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Friday, November 6, 2015

Marist Dining Hall

    Undercooked chicken with a rubbery consistency. Pizza oozing with grease. Turkey that tastes about five days old. Those are all images that flash through my mind when a friend asks if I'd like to go to the dining hall. I can think of about 25 places I'd rather eat, yet time after time, I find myself in no other guessed it...the dining hall. And time after time, I put that rubbery chicken in my salad or that ancient turkey on my sandwich. Why? I don't know. I guess it's just because that place and the less-than-desirable food will always hold a special place in my heart.
    On my most recent trip to the dining hall, I entered and was instantly greeted with memories. I walked past the array of cereals (in which Cheerios is mysteriously and heartbreakingly absent) and remembered those Sunday mornings where my friends and I could hardly take two bites of breakfast. We would sit for over an hour with our barely touched bowls of cereal as we recapped every last detail of our crazy Saturday night.
    As I got on the grill line, I was immediately reminded of those busy weekday nights when I would wait for what seemed like an eternity for my food, chatting with fellow classmates.
    The sushi station ignited memories of all the firsts I tried under that roof, which includes knishes, squash, zucchini, and of course, sushi.
    On the walk to the water machine I let out a laugh as I remembered the time time I slipped on an ice cube and went flying, along with the full plate of food in my hands.
    And passing the table all the way in the front brought back the deeply suppressed memory of that time I found a fly in my salad. I haven't sat at that table since.
    Even though I complain about Marist's dining hall and scoff at people who enjoy it, secretly, deep down, I love that place. And you can bet your ass that when a friend asks if I'd like to join them for a meal of rubbery chicken, greasy pizza, and old cold cuts (and even dead flies in some cases...) I'll happily say yes.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly Consumptions #8

Giacomos grilled chicken salad

My Little Pony (for a class...)
Supernatural (for a class)


See Me - Nicholas Sparks

Hello - Adele