
Friday, October 16, 2015

Vegan YouTube Community

   There is nothing worse than a passionate vegan. That's what I always say, and I really do believe it. While not all vegans shove their beliefs down your throat, most treat their dietary preferences as a religion. Actually, let me correct myself: as a cult.
   However, recently I've been very interested in the vegan lifestyle and I've been watching a ton of videos on the subject. In particular, Rawvana and Elle Tayla are two vegan YouTubers who show you their lifestyle without forcing it upon you. And it really makes me want to go vegan!
   For the past few years veganism has been sweeping the nation. What started out as a fad that many scoffed at has turned into a lifestyle. It's not just giving up eggs, dairy, and meat; it's a way of living. Vegans adopt a high carb, low fat, plant-based diet, and famously eat as many fruits and vegetables as their hearts desire. Most are incredibly lean, in-shape, and overall seem so happy. The vegan YouTube community is proof of this. It's like they're part of an elite clique and you can only join if you give up the chicken and cheeses.
   It's weird what our world has come to. Diets turning into lifestyles. Since when are people categorized based on the food that enters their mouth? Shouldn't we be categorized on...oh, I don't know...morals? On how good of a person we are?
   I admit that I watch these YouTube videos with a whole lot of curiosity and a bit of envy. These vegan girls claim to live the happiest of lives since going vegan and I want in on this happiness! But...the other part of me (what I believe is the better part) knows that this is stupid. You shouldn't classify yourself based on what you consume and you shouldn't let it control your life. I'm never going to introduce myself saying, "Hi, I'm Clancy and I love chicken," so why does every vegan feel the need to classify herself?
   Overall this whole veganism trend has left me confused, curious, and unsure what to think about the future of a nation that spends more time worrying about food than things that actually matter.


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